Monday, February 11, 2008


Sprint and Nokia laid off workers because of the increasing competition within the cell phone industry. They gave an explanation as to why they decided to lay off workers and released it to the press. They laid off a reasonable amount of workers but did not get rid of all the jobs from one factory. Roger Smith did not like to discuss his reason for closing an entire plant. Sources reported that Roger’s reason for closing the plant was that he was outsourcing jobs to Mexico where labor would be cheaper. GM was one of the most successful and profitable companies at the time of Roger’s decision to close the plant. Roger’s decision to close the GM plant in the town of Flint was out of greed and selfishness.

30,000 people were laid off when the GM plant of Flint closed. Being the main source of income for many families of the town, the closing of the factory caused a great devastation in the town. Spring and Nokia waited to lay off workers when there was a logical reason. The cell phone companies had to lay off workers in order to save money in the competition to keep their business running. They were more compassionate in their decision to get rid of jobs within their companies. Roger Smith was very unreasonable in his decision to get rid of a mass amount of jobs within his company. He cause a great amount of strife for the people and families who were laid off. He showed no remorse for the families nor did he try and find alternate solutions for the family as far as income to live. Families were evicted from their homes with no place to go and could not afford groceries. When confronted Roger Smith acted like a coward and tried to avoid the subject at all costs.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

For a synthesis make sure you talk about both stories equally, you talked a lot about GM and not so much Sprint and Nokia. I like how you stated that the cell phone companies where relocating to Mexico so people were not totally loosing their jobs, but with GM they shut down the plant completely leaving people to fend for themselves. I also like how the cell phone companies had a logical reason, where as GM just seemed to not want that plant open anymore.