Monday, March 31, 2008


1. I feel as though this author has a few good questions but finding the results maybe very difficult, and possibly impossible such as: How does this author plan on finding out how many professors actually check for plagiarism and what students are thinking when they decide to pliagarize?
2. There does not appear to be a specific or very strong thesis in the introductory paragraph.
3. The organization of sentences within the paragraphs seem to be a little unorganized.

1 comment:

Kimbi33 said...

You noticed negative aspects of the annotated bibliography that I did not catch. I agree when you say the questions will be hard to find. That didn't occur to me but it's true. Also, I didn't notice the poor thesis at the beginning of the paper. It's good to be able to read other peoples blogs and think about things I did not catch myself. Great job analyzing!