Tuesday, September 7, 2010

semester 4 of 5 week 2

Still can't believe it's already our senior year of college. Time just seems to be flying by. We are studying labor and delivery, pediatrics and case management this semester. So far so good. Just as the previous three semesters of nursing school the first week was very overwhelming. But once things get going everything will sort itself out, just has it has in the past semesters. This week I had my first clinical experience at Williams Elementary School. It takes about thirty minutes to get there. I leave Flagstaff around 7:30 to get to the school by 8 am. At first I was a little weary of the drive because of the distance, but I have found that it is actually quite beautiful and relaxing. It is a very scenic route with green trees and grass, fields of sunflowers in bloom and a view of beautiful mountains in the distance. This morning it rained the entire drive.The school nurse I am working with is named Linda. She is an older woman, who I can tell is full of wisdom and I just love listening to her stories. I think she is going to be great to work with this semester. I love working with the kids, although many of the kids are less fortunate so it is sad to hear about their situations. There is a wide variety of conditions and diseases at this school which will be great first hand experience for me. This past weekend we celebrated Kylee's 22nd birthday. Mom and dad came up to Flagstaff to visit on Sunday and left on Monday. I am taking yoga and meditation with Lex on Friday mornings and so far I am loving it. I am excited to see what this semester has in store.

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