Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Wolfgang’s comic strip is a great example of pathos. Being a comic strip there was no need for a lot of senory words as we can see it in the pictures, though the few words provide more explanation. In the first set of pictures we see what seems to be a man on his death bed at a hospital. He has x’s over his eyes, possibly signifying extreme sickness, for a few of the pictures. His face changes showing the pain he is feeling. He is hooked to i.v.’s, there are cards and flowers all over the room and a few pill bottles on the bed side table. There are no words yet so you are left to use your imagination as you interpret the pictures.

In the next set of pictures he appears to be dreaming. He is shown in many different scenes. He is in a house sitting on a couch with a young boy and a man, he is flying over a city he is watching a boy play baseball in a park, in a car with a boy and a girl and in the hospital with a young man. Then words are added to the comic. The first set of words we see say, “Wait that’s not right that’s not the way..” It now appears that maybe he is looking back on his life and has all of the sudden seen something that did not happen the way he remembered.

The young boy in the pictures begins to explain things to the old man. He tells the old man that his heart stopped and he may possibly be on the road to death. The old man asks if they are going to the heaven and the young boy tells him that his reward for living a good life is not going to heaven but the life of dignity is its own reward. At the end the old man comes to the conclusion that he should just let things be and they will turn out how they are supposed to. Wolfgang’s comic strip uses pathos as it discusses the idea of death, which is a very emotional subject.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I really appreciate the way you used imagery to get your point across. Even if I have never read that before I would know what you were talking about. You did a very good job using different examples to show how Wolfgang used pathos. Even though death is a sensitive and emotional subject, in ways he made it a bit humorous.