Monday, March 3, 2008

Middle Schoolers Get the Pill

In reading “Middle-Schoolers Get the Pill”, two points of view would be, those who agree that children in middle school should be give birth control, and those who believe that they should not. A counter argument in this article could be those who believe that eleven year-olds should not be given birth control pills. One could use the point that children at that age should not be having sex because they are too young. Children are not even close to being done developing at the age of eleven, and many have not even began puberty. Children that age are not mature enough to handle the consequences that could come from having sex. If and eleven year old child were to get pregnant there is no way they would be able to support the baby themselves. They would have to put the baby up for adoption or have their parents take care of it. Having a baby at such a young age could cause some serious health risks for both the mother and the baby. The article states that the blame for young girls having sex is the Culture Wars, and the opposing views of teen sex between conservatives and liberals. One perspective I feel was overlooked is what influences young girls to have sex. Many girls are influenced by the media, friends, older siblings and their parents. What messages are being portrayed to young girls by the media and our society that makes them feel as though they have to have sex or that it is ok to have sex at such young ages?

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I like your examples you did not relate them to the reading you related to them to things that were beyond the reading. You looked past what the actual words were and found the idea where it was coming from, like how they could not possibly be ready to have sex because their body is not ready for it, and they would not be able to care for it. I agree that young kids are being more and more exposed to sex through the media and television, and older siblings if they have them. I agree with what message are we giving them by letting them be exposed to these things.